Personal Injury Attorneys
for Product Liability Claims
Did you purchase a defective product and, as a result, are suffering from an injury? Can you no longer work due to the negligence of a manufacturing company? If so, don’t let the company responsible off the hook. LaMarca Law Office can help you pursue financial compensation for your product liability claim. It is our mission to fight for the rights of consumers throughout Springfield, Illinois!

What is a Product Liability Claim?
There are several reasons to file a product liability claim. Normally, it happens when a product that is defective leads to the injury of a consumer. If this injury incurs medical expenses or leads to an inability to work, you could be entitled to compensation. It is the responsibility of manufacturers, marketers, and businesses to ensure the safety of every product they produce. Absolutely nobody is exempt from this. Product liability claims fall into one of the following:

• Manufacturing Defects – This happens as a result of a flaw during the manufacturing process of the defected product.
• Design Defects – This pertains to overlooking a flaw during the design process, which resulted in the injury.
• Failure-to-Warn Defects – This is when there weren’t adequate markings on the packaging or label to warn about specific dangers related to usage.
• Marketing Defects – This happens when those in charge of marketing products advertise something outside of their intended use, which causes injuries by consumers who model that advertisement.
When Do I File a Claim?
If you are suffering from an injury due to a defective product, it is important to file a claim as soon as you can. With these cases, there is a statute of limitations, meaning you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim from the date of the incident. If you wait too long, you could miss out on financial compensation for your injuries. Product liability cases are more common with the following products:
• Cars/Vehicles
• Household Items
• Furniture
• Children’s Toys
• Tools
• Machinery
Contact Us About Product Liability Claims
It is with great pride that LaMarca Law Office provides quality legal counsel for consumers throughout Springfield, Illinois. With the help of our experienced lawyers, we can help you file your product liability claim and advocate for fair compensation. Contact our attorneys and schedule a legal consultation to discuss your case. Let us help turn that injury into cash you may be owed due to a defective product!
Call LaMarca Law Office Today at (217) 492-9000
We aggressively pursue the legal rights of our clients.
Personal Injury
LaMarca Law Office also proudly serves Bloomington, Collinsville, Decatur, Jacksonville, Quincy, and the surrounding communities.